Match Rules

  1. All matches will be pegged down.
  2. Home waters, all the water will be taken and all peg numbers used will be at the discretion of the match secretary. The same rules apply to away matches.
  3. All match bookings must be made no later than 12 noon on the Saturday before the match. Once you have booked in you will be liable to pay the pegging fee even if you cancel, except in exceptional circumstances. THE MATCH SECRETARIES DECISION IS FINAL IN ALL CASES.All pools money must be paid in by 08.15am prompt.
  4. No competitor shall encroach on another competitors swim which will be as follows:-
    A) STILL WATERS – Halfway each side and halfway across the water.
    B) RIVERS – One yard above competitors peg to one yard above the next peg downstream.
    C) CANALS – Halfway each side of the peg.
    D) The club and the fishery rules must be obeyed at all times unless specifically stated by the match secretary before the draw.
    Anglers can only fish up to halfway between the peg on either side. Where there is an empty peg next to yours, you can fish up to but not in front on the next peg. Where the opposite bank is pegged, anglers can only go to half way across. Any dispute about the boundaries of each peg must be reported to the match organiser or a committee member before the start of the match . Any decision made by the match officials will be final.
    Fishery rules and limits apply on all club matches.
    No feeding with a pole cup whilst actively fishing another line. (see match rule 7)
  5. As a signal to commence a whistle will be blown. The same signal will be used to call time.
  6. No fish will be weighed that was hooked after the call of time. Any angler playing a fish at “The Call Of Time” will be allowed 15 minutes to land the fish. After that, it will not be weighed.
  7. A competitor will have in use only one rod, one line and one hook at any one time, but may have other rods and tackle assembled behind him.
  8. Competitors MUST NOT groundbait the swim, but may plumb the depth of the water, test their float, set out their keep-net and wet their groundbait before the starting whistle.
  9. No Game fish or Pike to be eligible for weighing. No nets in the water until 10 minutes before the start of the match.
  10. All fish to be angled unaided except that Junior fishing Club Matches may be allowed assistance to land big fish if needed without risk of disqualification.
  11. The weigh-in will be done by an official of the Club. Any assistance to this official will be appreciated.
  12. A competitor’s peg must not be moved unless he has approached the official running the match for his agreement.
  13. Any complaints must be made to the match secretary before or during the match. Complaints after the match has finished will be ignored.
  14. Should any question arise not provided for in the above rules, the same shall be at the match officials discretion.

To be for best aggregate on points system of first 10 of every match – POINTS AWARDED FROM TEN DOWN TO ONE

No Litter Please.